2020: Facing big changes without anxiety and fear

Note: this article was written and published in early 2020, before the pandemic officially broke out.

If you're like me, you probably follow a number of spiritual channels, teachers, and wayshowers, in which case you've probably heard from many sources that the year 2020 is going to be one heck of a ride, and that our world as we know it is about to change in ways we can't even imagine (politically, socially, environmentally, spiritually, etc).

I take all predictions with a huge grain of salt: so many times we have collectively expected big shifts and spectacular global events predicted by many, only to be disappointed as time passed and nothing of significance happened (at least not in a way the majority could perceive).

Yet, we can't help but notice that the “pressure” is building in many ways on Earth, and that cracks in our old familiar reality are starting to form: an earthquake here, a disclosure there, an attempt to create mass panic and fear using a pandemic elsewhere. :) We're only five weeks into 2020 and look how much has already occurred in the world!

What if it's for real this time? What if things are about to change? I had a dream a few weeks back where it looked like nobody went to work anymore because of how out of order everything in the society had become with the disruptive changes, and I chose to use my time to go to the city hall and provide support and reassurance to those who needed it. Was that a glimpse of possible future, or am I letting all these scary predictions get to me? ;)

For many of us, anticipation of monumental changes brings excitement — this is what we came here (to Earth) for: to witness this transformation, to hold the light, and to support others through all the chaos.

For some of us, this anticipation also triggers anxiety and fear. Change is never easy. What will we have to give up? What inconveniences or hardships will we have to suffer while things are in flux? Will we be safe, will our basic needs be taken care of? Will our homes and businesses still be standing at the end of the year?

I'll be honest — I'm one of those folks for whom anticipation of big changes brings both excitement and anxiety, so this article is for me as much as it is for you. :)

So, if big changes are indeed coming our way, whether this year or some time later, how do we go through this period of anticipating and later experiencing drastic changes without giving in to fear and anxiety?

First of all, I think it's helpful to always remember that we are the CREATORS of our personal reality (and co-creators of the collective reality), and therefore we have a measure of choice in what our reality will look like.

Even when some events are inevitable for all, we have a choice in how WE will experience those events. Let me use an example.

Imagine there’s a tsunami approaching a coastal town. Would you prefer to experience it from the beach and be swept away? Or would you prefer to experience it by safely watching it from above in a helicopter, perhaps even dropping a rope ladder down and lifting some people up who got swept away into the ocean? This is a metaphor, of course, for getting caught in the midst of what's happening and letting it completely disrupt our life versus being in such a place, vibrationally speaking, that we can simply observe the madness, and hopefully also hold space and provide help and support to those in the first group.

How is it possible for you to experience an event in such a different way from someone who you, perhaps, see every day and who seems to occupy the same physical space as you?

Without trying to explain the concept of multiple realities, which still boggles my mind, I'll give an example of how you may have already experienced this phenomenon. Have you ever worked for a company and witnessed a layoff in your division? Your coworkers may have been completely freaking out and living in constant fear of losing their jobs, while you weren't even bothered by the whole thing — you felt secure and quite neutral as to the outcome, knowing you'd be fine and there's no shortage of job opportunities out there. Your coworkers' world was in complete chaos, while yours was as peaceful as ever, except having to observe them freaking out next to you. :) It's as if you were in different realities for a little while.

When expecting big changes in the world, we can use our Free Will and manifestation power and put it out into the Universe how we want to experience the changes.

We can dream, visualize, set intentions, and take action to build our chosen reality.

We can also start noticing how we indeed create our reality every day through our beliefs and intentions (or lack thereof). The notion of personal power and sovereignty will then become an evidence-based belief, not just an abstract idea. Setting an intention while fully believing that it has power because we are creators is more powerful than just asking the Universe for a benevolent outcome and hoping for the best.

Sometimes the Universe will throw us into that tsunami wave despite our preference for safety — and that would be because we still need to go through some learning, or because of the role we chose to play, or because our vibration is a match for the crappier version of reality (ouch!)

What can we proactively do now to increase our chances of being in that helicopter above when the metaphorical wave hits?

  1. We can work on completing unfinished lessons now. Anything that is still unresolved in our life or triggers us is an indication of some inner work that still needs to be done.

  2. Raise our vibration by being mindful of the substances and content we consume, the activities and thoughts we engage in, and the people we surround ourselves with in daily life.

  3. Discard energetic baggage that may at times be forcibly keeping our vibration lower than it could be and inducing fear. That baggage can look like karmic patterns, negative energies held in our auric field, various kinds of entity/spirit attachments, negative technology in the body, etc. There are a number of methods that can assist in discarding unhelpful influences: Quantum Healing Regression, Akashic clearings, Spirit Releasement, deep energy work, and many others.

  4. Find good folks who are on the same wavelength, so we can lean on each other when there’s chaos in the world, and work together to help and support others.

  5. Make changes in our work and life situation to align ourselves with our soul's mission, to put ourselves in a position where we'll be of most benefit to others and doing our life's work. Misalignments between who we truly are and what we do every day become harder and harder to tolerate as we become more conscious. It's hard to go through drastic personal changes when the whole world is in chaos, so why not do it now?

Finally, when anxiety over the latest news hits, remember that the main purpose of mainstream media is not to inform, but to tell us what to think and feel — to shape public opinion. Also, media tends to exaggerate and overdramatize everything, because average happenings don’t attract views. Even in the spiritual community, it’s not unusual for folks to get overly dramatic when covering or predicting world events, with a mix of intentions behind that. Decide for yourself what the events really mean for you and for humanity, and how catastrophic they really are (or aren’t). Your inner knowing is the most reliable compass!

Whatever changes the future has in store for us, may we all go through them with peace, grace, and fearlessness, while being beacons of light and safety for others.

© 2020-2022 Julia North LLC | All rights reserved | Copying, adapting, imitating, or creating derivative works of this content is prohibited.

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