Why a computer programmer became an Akashic reader (a life-changing encounter with the Akashic Records)

Why did a computer programmer become an Akashic reader?

This sounds like the beginning of a joke, doesn’t it? 😉

I went through a “midlife crisis” pretty early — I think we call it “quarter-life crisis” these days. :) My first career as a software engineer did a good job taking care of my needs, but felt misaligned and utterly meaningless. It felt like most of my energy and talents were never used on the job, and that the work itself made zero difference in the world.

As soon as circumstances allowed, I walked away, and started looking for a new path in life — something that would bring me joy and make a positive contribution. For a little bit, I tried my hand in the creative field. I also honored the voice of intuition that for some reason was urging me to learn Reiki (energy healing). Yet clarity on what to do next wasn’t coming.

One day I was desperately trying to find help for a very sick friend, who wasn’t having luck with traditional medicine, and someone suggested a session with an Akashic Record reader.

Before sending my friend to an unknown practitioner, I decided to try the mysterious service on myself first, to see what it was all about.

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The reading and healing I received from the Akashic reader ended up being life-changing.

1. I learned why I hadn't been able to get rid of certain physical and emotional discomforts for years — there was unhealed past-life trauma stuck in the energy field, which the practitioner helped me clear.

In just a few weeks, after integrating the clearing, I was in a much better shape physically and energetically, and felt like I had gotten unstuck and could finally move forward towards my goals.

2. I was reminded of who I truly was at the core: the intrinsic qualities and gifts that were always part of me, but were suppressed so early in childhood that I could never remember who I really was. No wonder I had such a hard time trying to find my path!

Those of us who grow up in unsafe, abusive, or even just very traditional environments are often told what we can and cannot be, or worse — WHO we are and aren’t. Like many, I was programmed to believe I was something I actually wasn’t, and that had me making choices that led in wrong directions.

In the weeks following the reading, I was able to attune myself again to that core part of me that had been hidden and unexpressed for so long. It felt so good to finally remember who I truly was, and to have a guideline for making choices aligned with my soul!

3. I found out that I was a space alien. 👽 Don’t laugh! Chances are, you're an alien too, because why would a “normal” human being be reading this blog? :)

By "alien" I, of course, mean a soul that comes from somewhere else in the Universe and is only temporarily here on Earth, in a human suit, pretending to be normal. :)

This was probably the most important discovery of all — it validated my whole life experience, and explained why I had always looked at the world from some weird outsider point of view, and questioned basic things that everyone else seemingly took for granted. The characteristics of my soul group definitely explained my quirks and blind spots.

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I was so impressed with that Akashic session, and the healing and transformation that followed it, that I HAD to learn to do this magic myself!

It turned out that no special gifts were required to read the Akashic Records. Almost anyone can learn to do it! When I was little, my mother often visited an intuitive who worked with what I now know as the Akashic Records: back in the day, it was considered a very rare and precious gift to be able to access the Records. Today, it’s available to pretty much anyone willing to learn!

There are different schools of training and approaches to reading the Records. With some, we open up a connection and just let information organically flow to us. With others, we follow a certain protocol and ask very specific questions to get just the pieces of information that we’re interested in. The particular modality I chose, Soul Realignment, turned out to be super detailed and technical, which definitely pleased the engineer in me. :) (I’ll include some links to this training at the bottom.)

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If one session can help someone get clarity on their gifts and purpose, and remove blocks in their way so they can move forward, isn’t that one of the most impactful and meaningful things we can offer to others?

While my search for purpose didn’t stop there, this seemingly accidental, but completely life-changing encounter with the Akashic Records put me on the path I’m currently on: using spiritual methods to help others — and the Akashic Records are still one of my favorite tools!

These days, there are many issues I help people address using the Records and other tools I went on to master, but my favorite part of the work has remained the same: it's reminding beautiful souls of their true nature: their cosmic origin and divine gifts, which can serve as a guiding light for all the choices we make in life.

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“How in the world did you get into this line of work?” is the most common question clients ask me after an Akashic reading — I thought it would be fun to share the story that answers this question here on the blog. Thank you for reading! 💜

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