Why Your Energy Shields Aren't Working


Dear reader,

If you were religiously locking all the windows and doors in your house every night, and one day discovered that a stranger had somehow gotten in anyway, took residence in your house, undetected, and was helping himself to the food in your refrigerator, would you be upset?

That's about how upset I was to discover one day that even after all the energy clearings I'd had, and despite all the advanced energy shielding techniques I was regularly using, some negative energetic phenomena from the outside still managed to get into my auric field and feed on my energy, ugh!

If you're one of many folks who have been taught that putting yourself inside a bubble of light, or using some sort of energy shield every day will keep your auric field safe from intrusion by negative phenomena, such as spirits, entities, thought forms, portals, cords, etc... you're in for some bad news. :)

Concepts used in this article:

Energy shielding: a popular technique to safeguard our energy field / aura from external negative phenomena by surrounding ourselves with layers (often spheres) of energy/light.

Negative phenomena / energetic intruders / infringements / negative energetic influences: phenomena unseen to the physical eye that are foreign to the person, and that can cause negative physical, emotional, and spiritual symptoms if they enter and stay inside the person’s energy field.

Some common negative phenomena (there are many kinds!):

- spirits / entity attachments, including Earthbound Souls, Dark Force Entities, Reptilian and other ET entities, etc.
- portals / portalways: energetic doorways that allow for negative energies and beings to access our energy
- negative thought forms and energies from the environment and other people
- energy cords

Note that these are all extremely common and are NOT to be feared!

The bad news is that, unfortunately, energy shields, even if used regularly, are NOT a guarantee that nothing negative can enter our auric field.

Let's look at some reasons why.


Why negative phenomena enter our auric field despite our energy shields

1. Preexisting vulnerabilities

If there was already a portal or an entity in your energy field before you started using energetic protection such as shields, it can act like a trojan horse by keeping the door open for more negativity to come into your field, or by making new tears and openings in your field.

It’s like locking the door when an intruder is already inside the house and ready to let his buddies in.

Such vulnerabilities can come from an earlier time in this life, and often from past lives.

What to do: Get a good clearing session (or do one yourself!) to remove any old and new influences and mend any tears in the auric field. Gotta “catch ‘em all!” 😉

2. Emotions

This is one of the most common ways we make ourselves vulnerable to negative phenomena, despite all the energy protection techniques we might be using, and even in the absence of any vulnerabilities in our auric field.

Negative or low-vibrational emotional states, such as anger, hatred, resentment, judgment, anxiety, fear, sadness, depression are not wrong. They are part of our human reality, and we're born equipped with anger and the like for a reason.

However, being in those states lowers our vibration and our defenses, and makes it easy for negative and low-vibrational phenomena (like entities and thought forms) to enter our space. Like attracts like. By choosing to abide in a state of, say, hatred, we implicitly agree to allow phenomena of a matching frequency into our space.

How to reduce the risk: Strive to process and release negative emotions (without suppressing them, of course) as soon as possible — don't wallow in them for hours and days on end. If you're struggling with negative emotions on a particular day, it's not a good idea to go to a busy public place, where there's an abundance of energetic phenomena of all kinds looking for an easy target. Also, it’s a good idea to do a thorough energy clearing, by yourself or with a practitioner, after a period of stress or intense negative emotions.

3. Self-betrayal

External reality treats us the way we treat ourselves. When we dishonor our own needs and violate our own boundaries, we tell the external reality that it's okay to dishonor our needs and violate our boundaries. That includes our energetic boundaries, which negative phenomena such as hungry entities are happy to cross.

How to reduce the risk: Practice setting and upholding strong boundaries with yourself and with others. This can include:

  • Honoring your needs instead of running on obligation and taking care of others to the point of exhaustion.

  • Keeping inner commitments and promises you’ve made to yourself.

  • Saying No and not lowering your standards when people try to violate your boundaries.

  • Not allowing negative people, news, social media take up space in your mind and interfere with what you really need to be doing at this moment (which means not violating your own boundaries).

  • And of course, not sacrificing your energy, time, needs, resources for others (helping out of abundance is okay).

4. Implicit agreements

This root cause can sometimes be hard for us to track down.

There’s an understanding that sometimes we humans, or our souls, consciously agree to contracts with negative people or entities for some purpose that ultimately serves us in the end (learning, experience, cultivation of strength, etc.) That would be an explicit agreement.

An implicit agreement is when we agree to something seemingly harmless, while “in small print” there’s a permission for a negative entity etc. associated with that “harmless” thing to access our energy, and we’re not consciously aware of that. For instance, we choose to tune into a nasty political broadcast, listen to low-vibe popular music, or even listen to a channeling by a person with poor discernment. By doing so, we implicitly agree to allow negative beings or entities connected to that show, that music, that channel to access our energy field.

How to reduce the risk: As much as possible, avoid places, shows, music, media, people, even spiritual sources that are low-vibrational, or that just “don't feel right”, even if they have a “great reputation” and you don't know why they don’t feel right.

5. “Is it always my fault? What about powerful psychic attacks by humans or negative beings?”

This is somewhat controversial, and the answer can depend on your belief system and how things work in your reality.

Many uphold a view that Free Will is absolute, meaning that without some sort of agreement on your end, no negative things can enter your space. At the same time, occasionally we do find in sessions that a person was targeted by negative forces, and the negative influences in their field were the result of an intrusion done against the person's Free Will.

I'll leave it up to you to ultimately decide if something bad can happen to you against your Free Will or not. Personally, even when something looks like an opportunistic intrusion, I still like to at least ask how *I* might have contributed to it with my choices or emotional state.


How do you know if there's a new negative influence in your energy field?

(Notice that I say “new” — old influences are trickier for us to detect, because we may have lived with them for many years or our entire life, so they may feel like just a normal part of our experience. Here, we're talking about energetic phenomena that may have come in more recently, after we've had a clearing, or after we started using energy protection techniques such as shielding.)

Here are some common symptoms to watch out for:

  • feeling extremely tired for no reason (careful — this is a symptom of many different things, some of them physiological, some emotional, and some positive, so don't assume there's a new entity attachment just because you're exhausted!)

  • unusually heavy negative moods and looping thoughts that arise often or stubbornly persist: anger, aggression, resentment, fear, depression; feeling that your life is completely meaningless and you don’t want to be here anymore

  • feeling uncomfortable in your own body (if it’s unusual for you)

  • not feeling like yourself, feeling different from your normal self

  • unusual cravings

  • uncomfortable sensations in the body that cannot be explained: pressure on/around the head, unexplained pain / tension / pulling / heaviness in a part of the body that was always fine before, a feeling of something clinging to your back, a strong general discomfort in the body, etc.

Note that all of the above symptoms can indicate things other than energetic intruders, so please don't immediately assume the worst — pay attention, look into it, and confirm before making any conclusions!

“I'm disappointed. Sounds like using energy shields was a complete waste of my time”

Hold on! I'm not saying that your shields are totally worthless and you shouldn't even bother using them.

In computer science, there's a concept of layered security, which basically means that while no single security measure is 100% effective, using multiple measures layered on top of each other significantly reduces the overall risk.

I think that energy shields, in addition to other things you might be doing (grounding, emotional regulation, mindfulness…), are still useful and will protect you from some of the “threats”, especially when you're in a high-vibe state.

Shields have other benefits as well: I find that for those of us who are empaths or highly sensitive to the energy of other people and the environment, it's much easier to be in the crowd without getting distracted or overwhelmed — because shields repel some of the foreign energies we would have otherwise be feeling or absorbing.

So what's a good way to think about energy protection?

I've come to realize that it's impossible to 100% “waterproof” our energy field. Bad things can always happen, no matter how diligent we are in protecting ourselves.

At this time, I think a reasonable approach is:

  • first of all, don't live in fear

  • maintain a strong, healthy, energetic body through adequate nutrition, rest, and movement — this tends to strengthen our energy field

  • maintain a healthy and generally positive mental-emotional state, so we can quickly process and release negative emotions out of the system

  • use whatever energy protection practices we personally find to be effective

  • whenever possible, avoid activities/content/media/people/environments that “don’t feel right”

  • stay mindful and notice unusual changes in our energy or emotions as we go through the day

  • and, most importantly, have the TOOLS to address any new infringements

In short, my personal philosophy on this is: shit happens, but that's okay because we have tools to deal with it. 😊


*Recent edit:
Lately I've been finding that practicing Divine Neutrality is rather effective for keeping infringements out of our energy fields. (Not easy in this day and age! 😉) Here's a great video where Sandra Walter explains Divine Neutrality: link to video.

A note on daily energy cleansing practices

Some of us do simple daily energy clearing practices, such as cord-cutting, or running the light of Source through our aura with an intention to wash out anything negative, or asking Angels to cleanse us with light, etc.

What I'm finding — and this is just my personal experience — is that an unspecific “blanket request” to cleanse anything negative, without knowing whether there is something negative and what kind, is only partially effective at best.

I find that awareness is often required before we can clear a negative phenomenon from our aura. It can be annoying to have to do the “research” every time, and yet it’s to our benefit to understand what we were doing “wrong” that attracted the negative phenomenon, because otherwise we'll keep doing it and keep attracting more energetic creepy-crawlies!

With the awareness of what happened and an appropriate request for spiritual assistance, typically negative phenomena can be easily removed.

So how do I remove those pesky intruders from my field?

There are many methods that can help remove entities, portals, etc. Those of us who are practitioners of healing and clearing methods (such as Spirit Releasement, clearing through the Akashic Records/Soul Realignment, Quantum Healing Regression, Shamanism, various powerful energy healing methods, etc.) are fortunate because we can clear our own selves any time we notice that something's off.

What about those who aren't practitioners? Of course, you can always get a session with a practitioner, HOWEVER, it’s not ideal to have to rely on someone else every time, as that can create dependence and get expensive. I really want everyone to have a handy tool to deal with those intruders by themselves.

Unfortunately, I can’t recommend one easy method that would work for all. You'll just have to experiment and find something that works and helps you get to your ghoul... I mean goal. 🙃

It's optimal to be able to rely on your own senses — inner sight, feeling energy, body awareness, etc. — to get information about negative influences in your field. Look up some energy/entity clearing meditations on YouTube and see if they work well for you.

If your senses are not very reliable at this point, you could pull some Tarot cards, or even dowse with a pendulum with the assistance of your Higher Self and Guides, in order to figure out what's in your field (here are some articles that will teach you how to use a pendulum).

Once you find out what it is that's causing discomfort and what choices you made that allowed for something negative to come in, you can call on Archangels Michael and Metatron, as well as your own Higher Self and Guides, to help remove the negative phenomena from your body and energy field.

One caveat: I’ve noticed that depending on our soul lineage and beliefs, we can have variable success working with higher beings — some of us have a close relationship with our star family or Guides, while others have more success going directly to their Higher Self and Source. It really takes some experimentation to find out what works for YOU!


This article is written based on my personal experience healing myself and working with clients. It may not match your personal experience or reflect exactly how things work in your unique version of reality.

Please always exercise discernment and check in with your inner knowing before applying anything you learn online — here and on any other website.

I'd love to hear about YOUR experience with energy protection, detecting negative influences, and clearing your auric field — please leave a comment and share!

© 2020-2023 Julia Nord | All rights reserved | Copying, adapting, imitating, or creating derivative works of this content is prohibited.

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