The key that unlocks many doors in life [session story]

Do you sometimes wish that there were one quick and easy solution that would magically resolve all your issues and unblock the flow of love and abundance in your life?

While it’s naive to think that we can wave a magic wand and transform our life without any effort, there is, in fact, one key that is capable of unblocking us and unlocking the doors to everything we wanted to create in life.

Not too long ago, a gentleman came to me for a regression session. He admitted that his life was a mess, and that he felt blocked in every possible way. Money wasn’t flowing into his technology consulting business. He was in debt. He couldn’t focus enough to create the new services he needed to offer his clients. His health was starting to reflect the constant stress. And worst of all, he was stuck in a toxic situation with his ex-partner and children, a boy and a girl, where the ex somehow had control over his time and forced him to take care of the children at random times, which meant he could never make any plans for himself. He felt like his hands were tied and he couldn’t see a way out of his situation.

During the session, this man’s Higher Self (the guiding aspect of his soul) had a lot to say about his many life challenges. Interestingly, it all came down to just one thing. There was one key thing that this man had to change in how he operated and made choices that would unblock him in all areas of life.

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On a soul level, each of us is designed to work with one or two core qualities, gifts, or soul urges — whatever you want to call those primordial energy principles that we’re made of as souls. To give a few examples: some of us are natural teachers, some are healers, some are builders. Some need a community and connectedness, while others are rebels who need unlimited freedom and space.

When we work with our soul’s core energy principles in daily life, we have access to unlimited possibilities. But when we never give our soul the chance to express itself through those core gifts, we block the flow of abundance from the Universe, and that will be reflected in our career, finances, relationships, health, and every area of life.

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This man, on a soul level, needed unlimited freedom and self-determination in all aspects of life. He needed to be the boss of his life, free to make any choices he wanted to make. That’s just who he is and has always been through all of his incarnations.

Yet, in his current human reality, he was constantly running on obligation, allowing other people to control his schedule, and constantly playing the role of a caretaker for his kids. He was essentially betraying the very essence of his soul, and playing the role that never allowed his soul to express its true nature. No wonder he was facing lack in every possible way!

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The choice the Higher Self wanted this man to make to start fixing his life was a tough one. Tough, because it went against everything our society considers to be “good” and acceptable.

He had to essentially “abandon” his kids for a while: move across the country to live in a place that was calling him, thus making himself unavailable to the ex-partner and children; let the ex handle her parental responsibilities without him; focus on himself and his business; and create what he wanted and needed to create. And that would unblock the flow of abundance he’s meant for in every possible way.

If you heard of someone leaving kids behind to move across the country to focus on himself, would you perhaps judge that person as selfish and irresponsible? And maybe for you, that would be the wrong choice, depending on who you are on a soul level. For this man, however, this was the right choice, one he had to make if he wanted to untangle the mess that was his life.

The Higher Self said that this man’s children needed to see their father as his happy, powerful, self-expressed self much more than they needed another caretaker, even if that meant that they would only see him a few times a year. And once he’s finally back on his feet, the kids may choose to join him and spend more time together in the future.

What is the essence of the choice that this man had to make? It’s to say No to obligation, and to say Yes to freedom and self-determination. In other words, to stop betraying and start honoring the essence of who he is as a soul, as a divine being, no matter how that looks to the society. And once he does that, and hopefully goes on to consistently make choices out of freedom, his creativity will start flowing, the money will start flowing, his health and well-being will improve, and he’ll be able to serve the world, including his children, as his best self and his highest potential.

Unfortunately, there is no path to that destination that goes through obligation and betraying one’s self.

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There are two important points that this story illustrates and that I hope you’ll take away from it.

1. In the same exact situation, the choice that is right for you can be the opposite of the choice that would be right for your partner, friend, neighbor, or your culture. It can look unconventional and may be judged by everyone, including even yourself. The right choice is based on who you uniquely are on a soul level.

2. The one thing that we can use as a timeless guideline, as our north star, is our soul’s essence, the core energy principles that we are uniquely designed to embody. This is often the key to unblocking ourselves and reaching our fullest potential. And it will look different for all of us. Having seen proof of this principle in my reality so many times, I almost feel like our unique soul essence should become our “personal religion” of sorts — the one thing that should always inform our choices.

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How do you find out what core energy principles YOU are designed to embody?

You can ask your Higher Self that question in whatever spiritual modality you prefer (regression, channeling, etc.) You can have someone read your soul blueprint (I do that through the Akashic Records). Or you may already know who you are as a soul, and you can validate that by noticing what activities: 1) bring you joy, 2) increase your energy levels, and 3) are effortless — this is a good indication of what your core gifts are.

Wishing you infinite abundance and a life lived in alignment with your soul. 💜

(The session story was shared with the client’s permission.)

© 2021-2022 Julia Nord | All rights reserved | Copying, adapting, imitating, or creating derivative works of this content is prohibited.

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