Purpose Julia Purpose Julia

Mission and medium: two must-haves for purposeful work without burnout

You found your mission, went all in, but ended up drained and burned out. Now you're questioning the whole thing — what you do and even WHY you do it. Should you give up? It's possible that you simply chose the wrong medium, or channel, through which to fulfill your purpose. Let's look at the two things we must get right in order for our work to be fulfilling without leaving us drained and resentful.

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Purpose Julia Purpose Julia

I thought I found my purpose, but now the spark is gone… what next?

So you thought you found your purpose-driven work. Until one day it doesn’t light you up anymore.

You might decide to power through it — until you can’t take it anymore and end up quitting and throwing the baby out with the bath water.

Here’s how you can carefully figure out what’s happening and what it'll take to bring joy back into your work.

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Purpose Julia Purpose Julia

The surface tier of life purpose: the learning tier

If you've felt that your health, family, or money challenges have held you back from stepping into your purpose, think again — you may have just been working through the learning tier of your life purpose. Learn what this tier is all about, how it shows up, and how to figure out yours!

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The key that unlocks many doors in life [session story]

Do you sometimes wish that there was one quick and easy solution that would magically resolve all your issues and unblock the flow of love and abundance in your life? While it’s naive to think that we can wave a magic wand and transform our life without any effort, there is, in fact, one key that is capable of unblocking us and unlocking the doors to everything we wanted to create in life.

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General Julia General Julia

Why we fail to manifest what we want

Most of us have been there: banging our head against the wall, working so hard to achieve a goal... and facing a brick wall.  No results.

What's happening?  Are we cursed?  Are we just not meant to have that thing we want?

Here are common reasons why we at times fail to produce desired results and achieve our goals despite all our efforts.

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