Is this my soulmate? Common (and surprising!) signs that someone has been with you for many lifetimes

Have you ever met someone that immediately felt like family, or like a dear friend you haven't seen for a while? You just "clicked", and became instant friends, transcending the roles you two were "supposed" to play in this human game of life.

It's beautiful when that happens, and it makes us wonder: have we perhaps met this person (or rather this soul) in the past, maybe in another life?

We can use the word soulmate to refer to someone who has incarnated with us many times before. In some lifetimes, they may show up a friend, a sibling, a parent; sometimes they're our lover or life partner; at times they can even show up as an enemy to teach us a lesson!

We typically have many soulmates. Because the word is commonly used to refer to a special romantic partner, we can instead call our fellow traveler a soul friend or soul sibling.

Some soul friends are closer to us than others. There may be a difference in how you feel about someone who was a friend or coworker in a couple of past lives versus someone who's been your best friend, and sibling, and romantic partner over dozens of lifetimes, and maybe even shares your star lineage. 👽😉 The connection will be more intense and recognizable in the latter case!

Let's look at some things you may experience around a person who has traveled with you through many lifetimes!

Let's start with common "symptoms":

  • You may experience an instant connection with the person; you two may immediately "click".

  • A sense of recognition or familiarity, feeling like you've known each other forever.

  • Feeling safe, calm, peaceful, comfortable in their presence. However, at times it can be the opposite: the intensity of a connection can feel overwhelming! Some soul connections can feel both easy and intense. 😅

  • It can feel like you two are on the same wavelength / frequency / vibration and are constantly tuned into each other.

    • You may find that their thoughts and perspectives are similar to yours.

    • You “finish each other's sentences”.

    • There can be a lot of mirroring going on: unconsciously repeating each other's words and gestures.

  • It can feel silly to play whatever current human role you’re supposed to play for them (colleague, client, brand new friend, etc). Your connection may end up crossing the boundaries expected of your actual relationship (professional connection, friendship, someone on a first date, etc).

    You may slip into the old roles you've often played for each other in other lives (and then feel embarrassed 🤭). For instance, you may find yourself acting like siblings when you’re supposed to be a client and a service provider.

  • The connection may be easy, but this person's presence in your life may bring about accelerated learning of life lessons and healing of negative patterns and traumas for you. Situations may arise where you're forced to face what is still suppressed or unhealed within you.

    (When we accept those opportunities to learn and heal with gratitude, and choose to do the work, we can learn those lessons very quickly, and the soulmate's presence in our life can be seen as a great gift on our spiritual journey, even if they're in our life only for a short time.)

Note 1: Not all of these signs have to apply in your case! For instance, instead of an instant recognition, it may have taken you a while to notice that there was something different about your connection with someone, until you finally “put two and two together” (and found this article in online search 😉).

Note 2: Any one of these symptoms can happen in other situations and for other reasons! However, if you recognize several of these signs, chances are, this is your soul homie. 🙂

There are also some lesser-known, or weirder symptoms of meeting a soulmate/friend:

  • There can be a telepathic connection between you two. And if you're intuitive, you may get intuitive visions about the other person, or you may "know" what's about to happen in their life. You may even get glimpses of your past lives together and what the other person (and you) looked like during those lives.

  • Even though the soulmate’s energy is very familiar to you, you may find it surprisingly difficult to remember their face. Or you may perceive their appearance differently every time you see them, it can morph in a way... That's because you’re very familiar with the Being inside, but it’s not so easy to connect with their current human appearance that is new to you. Your soul may remember them looking very different in your past lives or in your home world! 👽

  • It’s often said that everyone we meet activates some facet of our personality. With soulmates, this can be even more obvious. That person's presence may activate or bring out certain qualities or traits in us (wisdom, humor...), or cause powerful emotional states that can last for a while (joy, happiness...).

  • Even when the soul friend is miles away and we haven't talked to them for a long time, we're still connected on another level, and can at times feel their energy present around us. Their energy can sometimes “show up” to comfort us during our difficult moments, e.g. when we're lonely or need emotional support. No, you’re not crazy if you suspected that this was happening! 😁

  • We're more than the sum of two: the coming together of soulmates/friends can give birth to something larger, magic can happen, whether it's lucky events and synchronicities, a healing for the collective, or something less tangible and harder to describe.

The collections of signs listed above come from both my own experiences and those of many clients and friends, who have generously shared their beautiful stories of meeting soulmates and how it felt.

What did we miss? What did you experience around YOUR soul friends that isn't mentioned in the article? Please share in the comments!

© 2022 Julia Nord | All rights reserved | Copying, adapting, imitating, or creating derivative works of this content is prohibited.

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