Is my whole family from the same planet? Your FAQ about soul connections answered!

Concepts used in this article:

Starseeds. It is believed that a percentage of us didn’t always incarnate on Earth, but rather started our journey as a soul on another planet, star system, or galaxy, and are only temporarily here on Earth, pretending to be human. :) Star beings incarnated as humans (“Starseeds”) often feel different, sometimes feel out of place, and are typically more interested in spiritual exploration and in articles such as this. :)

The Akashic Records: a non-physical database that contains knowledge about every soul’s divine design and past-life history, including shared past lives with other souls. An Akashic reading is a type of session where a practitioner reads information from your soul’s record for you.

After learning about our own past lives and soul origins, many of us turn our attention to our loved ones — family or partner — wanting to learn more about them as well. How are our loved ones similar or different from us? Do they come from the same planet? Did we know them in our past lives?

There are some questions that are often asked about soul connections between family members and partners, so I thought it would be fun to answer some FAQ in an article. Let's get to it!

"If we're a family, that probably means we've all incarnated together in the past — is that correct?"

Not necessarily! Each family is unique, of course, but what I typically see while doing Akashic readings for families is that at least two or three members of the family would have a significant number of shared lifetimes, but there's often at least one member that has very little past-life history with the rest of the family (sometimes none!) Of course, this is not a rule — just a common pattern I notice!

If you feel that you and a loved one are particularly close, that's often a sign that you've known each other in other lives (see my previous article about how to recognize a very close soul friend / soulmate).

And if you and a loved one tend to play roles that are different from your actual ones (e.g. your partner is like a protective parent for you, or your child insists on acting like your equal, as if you were siblings), that's a common sign that you two have incarnated together before, and a clue as to what roles you often played for each other in the past.

Interestingly, people's guesses as to which family member has had the most past lives with them don't always match objective information from the Akashic Records! :) This is likely because the normal human bonds we create in this life can override in our perception what happened in the past, e.g. a mother will be very attached to her child, even if the child is brand new to her as a soul. So you may be surprised to learn about actual shared history with each of your family members!

"If I'm a Starseed, then my partner and family are also Starseeds, right?"

There's no rule like that! Before we incarnate, our soul will typically choose which souls will be our parents, primary partner(s), and sometimes children as well. Depending on what we want to learn and experience, our soul will pick whoever can provide the environment and experiences it's looking for.

In family readings, the most common scenario I see is: most of the family would be Starseeds, and there would be one or two Earthly souls (souls that have only incarnated on Earth) in the mix. An Earthly soul would serve as a practical, grounding presence, modeling for the rest of the family how to be embodied and tend to the practical side of life. And the Starseeds would often help the Earthly soul make progress on its spiritual journey.

The opposite happens too: a family of mostly Earthly souls, with one or two Starseeds in the mix. The star children would feel very different and likely misunderstood, like a "black sheep", and would serve as “undercover spiritual leaders” (I’m borrowing words actually said by a client’s Higher Self in a session) for the family — opening everyone's minds to new ideas and helping everyone raise their frequency.

"Does this mean that Starseeds are more advanced and that Earthly souls are behind?"

It likely used to be the case in the past, but things are changing quickly.

On the one hand, yes — a lot of Earthly souls are still rather complacent when it comes to their spiritual growth, and are often burdened by many negative energetic influences that block their access to intuition and slow down their evolution. So as a Starseed, you may feel like you're on a different "level" spiritually than your Earthly family member.

However, I've met a number of Earthly souls who were highly advanced in their personal and spiritual development, and were powerful healers and intuitives! These souls were on par with Starseeds, but I perceived them as having a great advantage, which came from deep confidence, security, rootedness, and a strong connection to the planet. They came through as very powerful beings!

Keep in mind that many Earthly souls didn't start out from the times of the primitive man living in caves. Some incarnated during the times of Atlantis and Lemuria, which were highly advanced ancient civilizations on Earth — so advanced that we, modern humans, may have perceived them as extraterrestrial! Some people are now remembering the technology and healing methods they worked with in those civilizations.

"Are all Starseeds in my family from the same star/planet?"

I've seen families where almost everyone is from the same star system, but that seems to be rather rare. A more common case is where souls are from different star systems, with maybe a couple or more members sharing star origins. Of course, those who come from the same star system typically have a longer shared history, which even goes back to their home world, and can be closer and more similar to each other than the rest of the fam.

I also find quite often that even if a couple of family members don't share the same star origin, one may have had a few incarnations in the other's home world. No, we don't have to keep incarnating on the same planet every time! :)

"Has my life partner often incarnated with me as a partner? Do we have a long shared history?"

When you two first met, did you feel a sense of familiarity or recognition, like you've known each other before? Chances are, you did know each other in other lives. The advantage of this scenario is feeling very close and comfortable with each other, it’s a very strong bond. However, you may have also brought some negative patterns or shared karma into this relationship from your past lives together, and you may be pushing each other's "buttons" without knowing why! :)

If the relationship feels very new and fresh, like you're just beginning to get to know the other person, you may be meeting this soul for the very first time, or at least your history together is very short. The advantage of this scenario is that everything feels new and exciting, there's a lot of learning available, and there’s not a lot of “baggage” to deal with! :)

Again, our soul will choose whoever can provide the best environment for the learning and healing we want to accomplish in this life.

In most couples I've read for, the partners have known each other in other lives, but for how long — that varies widely.

What also varies is what kind of roles you two have played for each other in the past. You can kind of tell by looking at the current relationship dynamics. Does one partner often feel like the protective presence? They may have incarnated as your parent for a number of lives. Do you naturally fit into the roles of romantic partners? Chances are, you've been in these roles before and your souls enjoy working with each other in this way. Do you feel more like friends or like a team, and very equal, but without much romance going on? You may have been friends, siblings, or coworkers for most of your shared past incarnations, and are doing this relationship thing together for the first time.

“Can our pets come with us from past lives and other worlds?”

Yes, that happens too! 🐾

Many people have stories about their deceased pets coming back to them as a brand new puppy or kitten, and you may have been accompanied by your pet in your past lives as well — on Earth and in other worlds.

One time we found out that a client’s cat was a powerful lion being on another planet, and came to share her journey on Earth too, as a house cat this time.

So show respect to your stardog or starcat — they may be carrying a lot of wisdom from the stars! ;)

My Corgi is definitely frustrated about not having unlimited freedom as a dog on Earth, and is constantly rebelling over that unfairness. ;)

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As you can see, there are many possibilities when it comes to our soul connections with loved ones. If you want to learn about your family's soul connections, you can look into having an Akashic Record reading focused on relationships or family, a Past Life Regression or Quantum Healing session where you can ask those questions, or any intuitive modality where you or the practitioner can access information about shared soul history and star origins.

Not everyone is able or willing to have a session, so I hope I have at least given you in this article a few pointers as to how you can make an educated guess about your soul connections with your loved ones. (And you can check out this article for more ways to recognize a close soul connection.)

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What questions about soul connections do you have that haven't been answered?

© 2022 Julia Nord | All rights reserved | Copying, adapting, imitating, or creating derivative works of this content is prohibited.

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