Walk-in soul stories: Part 2

Since my original article about walk-ins came out back in 2020, many beautiful souls from around the world have reached out to tell their stories. Some shared in the comments, others in a phone chat, and a number of folks ended up having a session with me — to understand more about what had happened to them.

I thought it would be fun to share with you a few more fascinating walk-in scenarios that I've come across since then while working with people. Unless noted otherwise, the scenarios described below have been encountered in multiple individuals, and details of unique cases are shared with permission.

A “walk-in” is a phenomenon in which more than one soul participates in a single human incarnation. Typically, one soul comes to replace another in the body. However, the phenomenon is not limited to this basic soul-swap scenario.

If you haven't seen the original blog post, please take a moment to read that one first (read here). It describes the more common walk-in cases and will offer you the necessary background to understand what follows below.

Now, let's explore some interesting walk-in scenarios!

The “Boomerang” walk-in

Imagine for a moment that you've purchased a used car. Perhaps you've spent some time getting accustomed to it, fixing it up, adjusting it to fit you better. Now that you're finally comfortable in it, suddenly the previous owner comes back to yank the keys away from you and take back his car. Or at least he insists on riding in the passenger seat with you for the rest of time. 😱

Now, envision yourself as a typical walk-in soul. In this analogy, the vehicle is the physical body that your soul has taken on from someone else and now inhabits. You've spent years clearing out the original soul's energetic and emotional baggage, and adjusting the physical, mental, and emotional structures to fit your unique spirit. Then, after many years, the original soul suddenly comes back to reclaim its body.

As if being a one-time walk-in wasn't hard enough already! 😅


I've come across a couple of reasons why the original soul wanted to return into the body.

In one case, this had been previously agreed upon by the two souls. The original spirit was going to step aside to allow the walk-in soul to "do its work" in the world. After completing its mission over a number of years, the walk-in was to depart, and the original soul was to regain control for the remainder of that physical incarnation.

The individual (the walk-in soul) reached out to me at a point when the original soul was back, and there were "two drivers in the vehicle". Dealing with conflicting motivations, choices, as well as two very different frequencies caused much confusion for the person.

Even though this was a pre-birth soul arrangement, we learned that, during that time, the incarnation was subject to the Free Will of the walk-in soul, who was the "designated driver". She could choose to honor the original agreement and leave, allowing the original soul to regain control. She could also choose to claim the vehicle for herself and refuse to let the original soul back in. In either case, the Free Will choice would be honored by the Spirit World.

(After careful consideration, the walk-in soul eventually decided that she could do a lot more good in the world, and chose to stay, while the original soul was guided back into the Spirit Realm.)

In another "Boomerang" case, the original soul returned, but not to be the driver... It wanted to ride along as a passenger — to vicariously experience more of this incarnation, without trying to interfere in it. The original soul had endured significant trauma earlier in life, before departing the body, and now it no longer had an ambition to pursue any worldly goals — only to experience human existence.

In most cases, having two souls in one body is problematic, but this scenario is a rare exception, as the "extra" soul does not interfere.

Interestingly, once the original soul came back to ride along with the walk-in, the person began feeling more whole and more connected to her birth family. She even started doubting if she was ever a walk-in at all! 🙂 I guess a passenger can sometimes be a positive influence!

The “Refurbish” walk-in

In this scenario, the original soul is typically deeply traumatized by the person's early life experiences. There could have been abuse, physical trauma, severe physical or mental illness, and more. It's too overwhelming for the soul. Extensive healing is needed. The soul is weary and ready to go and rest in the Spirit Realm.

A soul swap is arranged, and the incoming walk-in spirit agrees to take on the beleaguered "vehicle", with all its health challenges and emotional traumas, and to "refurbish" it: to heal it so that it's usable once more.


The process of healing the physical, emotional, energetic, and other structures of the human vehicle can be lengthy and challenging. In some cases, there can be lots of lingering energetic and karmic connections to the dark forces or to the abusive family of origin. Even though the newly arrived walk-in soul doesn't own that legacy, it's stuck having to deal with it.

Peeling all those layers of influences and cutting all those cords can take time. I've seen folks use multiple healing modalities over an extended period, at times feeling deeply frustrated when the healing work seems never-ending — there's always another cord, another layer of damage to uncover...

At some point, the human vessel is in a good-enough shape, and the walk-in soul can finally "get to work": use this vehicle to fulfill its own mission and purpose.

In some cases, the walk-in soul also agrees to aid the original soul in healing its trauma, and so the two may coexist in the body for a period of time for precisely that purpose. Eventually, the original soul will move on to the Spirit Realm.

The walk-in may additionally undertake the task of resolving dark karma within the family lineage.

This might be a coincidence, but in every "Refurbish" case I've encountered, the incoming soul tends to be artistic, with multiple creative talents. The soul takes on this job of healing the human as a "beautification project": how can I make this broken human whole and beautiful again?

The "Dark Catalyst" walk-in

This is a type of malevolent soul swap reminiscent of the "Lock you away walk-in" described in the previous article. In this particular scenario, the negative, self-serving soul temporarily takes over the human vessel, and pushes the original soul out into the periphery.

If left unattended, this spirit possession will progress to a permanent soul shift: the original soul will be completely detached from the body and either sent to the Spirit Realm or "locked away" somewhere.

However, if the person's loved ones notice alarming changes and intervene early enough — for instance, by having a practitioner expel the intruding soul and hand control back to the original spirit — this will be only a temporary situation. This is the scenario I'd like to focus on here.

What occurs during a malicious soul swap is significant — because it leaves a permanent trace. Typically, the person's character will change "for the worse", as most of us would characterize that. They will likely distance themselves from friends and loved ones. Given enough time, the individual may even leave their marriage and family or damage important relationships to the point of no return.

They might also embark on a new path in life — exploring a new career or interest, or moving to another part of the world. Basically, the person will drastically change the trajectory of their life in a relatively short time.


Even when the original soul is eventually assisted in regaining control, the human life is now on a whole different trajectory. Even if the person regains their former warmth and empathy, some relationships can no longer be repaired. In cases of a very brief "takeover", damage can be undone, but if it's been months, the negative walk-in will have left so much legacy that the person is now on a different path in life and there's no way back.

The “Twin” walk-in

Our souls aren't mere "blank slate" blobs of consciousness; each has its own unique frequency and a distinct set of qualities that will certainly manifest in an incarnated human. For instance, one person may have a warm healing presence, another might be naturally artistic, while someone else may be a leader or entrepreneur at heart.

In a "typical" walk-in scenario, the original soul gets replaced by one that is likely quite different, resulting in a marked change in the person — their energetic signature, gifts, abilities, interests, and so on.

However, in what I call the "Twin walk-in" scenario, the original soul is replaced by a spirit that is nearly identical in frequency and qualities — likely belonging to the same oversoul, perhaps even sharing the same Higher Self. Technically, it can be a related soul or even a different "spirit of the personality" born of the same soul.


This can feel very confusing to the person. On one hand, there's a sense of a monumental shift. Yet, when they try to pinpoint what exactly has changed, there's not much to say: they still recognize in themselves the same gifts and qualities they've always had. They may feel just like the person they were before and, at the same time, that they're not the same Being.

This is not the same as the "Upgrade walk-in" I described in the previous article, where we become able to embody a larger/higher version of the same spirit that we are.

The pre-birth (non)walk-in

This is technically not a walk-in, as no soul exchange happens during the incarnation. However, a different kind of swap does happen, and there are a few similarities in how life is experienced by a person that might lead them to wonder if they're a walk-in.

In this scenario, our soul plans an upcoming lifetime just like everyone else: it chooses where and into what family to incarnate, maps out what it wants to accomplish, and makes agreements (soul contracts) with other souls who would play important roles for us — perhaps life partners, closest friends, mentors, and so on.

However, the soul is unable to follow through with this plan and ends up being born into a different family instead. A few reasons for this that I've come across:

  • The baby soul was asked at the very last moment to come into a different family — to assist that family with a precarious situation.

  • The chosen family made a Free Will choice to delay having children because of other priorities. The baby soul waited and waited for them to conceive her, and eventually gave up and came into a different family instead, hoping to then find her way back to where she had originally chosen to be.

  • The so-called "birth bump", which is when the dark forces know that a powerful soul is about to be born and do a lot of good in the world, so they find a very dark and abusive family that's also expecting a baby, and swap the two souls right before birth. Our lightworker soul ends up being born into a family that will traumatize it and quite possibly derail its mission.

Regardless of the reasons for a pre-birth swap, we'll often experience a lack of resonance with the family of origin while growing up; it may feel like the birth family are strangers to us (which is quite common for adult walk-ins).

In one case I'm familiar with, as soon as the baby learned to talk, the first words out of his mouth were: "Where are my real parents?" In another case, the person never felt like her birth family were related to her, had a totally different mentality from them, as if she'd been adopted from a foreign country, and refused to call them "mom", "dad", or "grandma" since her earliest years, giving them nicknames instead.


We may also feel like we're "supposed to be" somewhere else, in a different place, with different people.

In one case, the child was obsessed with moving to another country, feeling like she belonged there even though she'd never even visited. It was decades later that she discovered why: her "real family" (the one she was supposed to be born into) was there... Spirit was guiding her, through this interest, to move — so that she could "get back on track" with her original life plan and reunite with the people she had soul contracts with. (Sadly, despite all the efforts, she never made it.)

In the best case, we'll find our way back to the life we had planned, meet the important people we had soul agreements with, and accomplish what we set out to do.

In the worst case, we may feel like our life is not unfolding according to plan, or that there is no plan, like we've gone "off script". There's no place for us in the web of life, no meaningful encounters (our soul family is far away), and we're just floating around. This is very similar to how an adult walk-in may experience life.

I wonder if the person's absence is felt by the originally chosen family/partner/close friends who never got to meet him or her. Perhaps it feels like someone is supposed to be in their lives but is missing. Hey, if someone is missing from your family/circle, maybe they were just born in the wrong place! Maybe it's even me. 😉

The "Punisher" faux self

Our final scenario is something I recently discovered, but have only encountered it once, so I'm not sure if it's unique or common.

When a child develops in traumatic circumstances, perhaps experiencing ongoing abuse or lack of safety, apparently, a new "self" can develop from the energy, reactions, and emotions generated through the continuous experience of trauma. This "faux self" will then take on a life of its own, and become almost like another soul or spirit of personality, but not organically created from Source. It will have distinct qualities and personality. And it may vie for control with our original spirit.

When I encountered this in a person, the "faux self" was mostly in control. The original spirit was present but not in control, and the person could feel that her vibration and personality were not her organic self; it felt more like her abusive parent than her own authentic frequency.

Yet, this wasn't some foreign entity or spirit attachment, nor any of the other energetic infringements I'm familiar with. It was more akin to a possession, or soul-shifting between this trauma-born faux self and the original spirit.

I felt like naming it the "Punisher" faux self because it had the qualities of the abusive parent and, in a way, it was perpetuating the abuse through self-directed negativity.


After energetically removing this faux self from the person and transmuting it, the original spirit took back control, and her authentic frequency and personality could shine and be perceived by others once again. To her, it felt like her child self was liberated after many years of being locked away. There was a sense of reuniting with herself, and even though it's her own authentic personality, she had to get to know it afresh, like you would a new person. Also, some of the persistent symptoms she had from traumatic childhood seemingly fell away.

If you've ever encountered this peculiar phenomenon, please reach out — I'd love to learn more about it! If this isn't a unique occurrence, just imagine the potential for trauma healing.


I hope this has given you some food for thought. As always, your comments and stories are welcome. Much love!

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