Soul Blueprint Akashic Reading

"Who am I as a soul in the Universe?"

In this session, you'll receive a detailed and comprehensive picture of your divine design: who you are on a soul level and how your unique nature translates into your everyday experiences.

This reading is for you if you:

  • Are wondering about your soul purpose.

  • Want to know what gifts, strengths, and skills you’ve brought into this world.

  • Are curious about your star origins and journey through time and space.

  • Are trying to choose a professional path aligned with your soul, or are wondering why you’re unfulfilled in your career.

  • Want a handy guideline for making choices that lead to ease, success, and fulfillment rather than to frustration and lack.

What we’ll cover:

  • Your soul's primary qualities, a.k.a. your eternal soul-level gifts and strengths. Are you a healer, a truth teller, a writer or speaker, a creator, or a caretaker at heart? Do you thrive in relationships and communities or would you do best running your own business and making all decisions alone?

    Your gifts, or the guiding principles of your soul, are some of the most valuable, practical, and validating pieces of knowledge you can have about yourself. This information will affirm what you may already intuitively know about yourself (but may not recognize as gifts), or it will help you reconnect with your true nature if you've lost yourself along the way. It will also explain some of your quirks. :-)

    If you are thinking about a career change — or your purpose! — this information will serve as a helpful guideline, because if you choose a path aligned with your soul, you’ll be divinely supported in what you do!

  • The challenges inherent in your soul's nature. Every gift has a shadow side when out of balance or not expressed productively. This information may lead to some major aha moments and explain some of your "strange" needs, sensitivities, or pet peeves.

  • Your soul's cosmic origin, also known as soul group. The concept that some souls had lifetimes on other planets or in other worlds before coming to Earth is fascinating, but our cosmic origin can explain so much about us! Some of us always feel different from people around us, some have a strange longing for our true "home", not knowing where that is... Or we may be inexplicably drawn to certain environments, or be extremely gifted or hopelessly bad at certain things in life. A lot of this can be explained by our soul origin. This information can reveal even more about your purpose, and bring great relief and validation if you feel a little out of place in this world.

  • Your soul's journey through time and space. How long have you been on planet Earth: are you a first timer here or have you witnessed the evolution of humanity over many incarnations on Earth? What spiritual traditions and periods of history have inspired your soul on its journey? What societal roles have you most often played in your past incarnations? In what other star systems and worlds have you incarnated?

  • The special skill sets you bring into this life from your training in past lives or between lives. Are you a natural energy worker, counselor, medium, visionary, or maybe systems builder?

  • Your life lessons and chosen challenges. Your soul picks a different set of lessons and challenges for each incarnation. Knowing your lessons will help you understand why you continue to face the same patterns in some areas of life, and can also point out your biggest growth opportunities.

  • Your intuitive and healing gifts. If you're interested in developing your intuition or healing abilities, you may find it helpful to learn which intuitive senses and healing abilities you are naturally most gifted at and can develop with ease.

…And more!

Please note: this reading follows a specific format and is not a Q&A type of session.

(This reading is based on Soul Realignment® modality and uses the Akashic Records, higher-dimensional aspects of the soul, other modalities, and occasionally the client’s Higher Self to access information about the soul. Julia is a certified Soul Realignment® advanced practitioner and has been doing Akashic readings professionally since 2017.)

$195 (USD), typically 1h to 1h 30m

What clients say about Akashic readings: 

"I am blown away at the wonderful info Julia uncovered for me in a [Soul Blueprint] reading! I feel like I just got an amazing blueprint for my life! This was my first Akashic reading and it was such an awesome experience! She has a wonderful, loving, non-judgmental energy about her. I very much enjoyed this and am looking forward to applying this info to my life!"
- Tara in Missouri

"I had a super insightful reading with Julia that instantly empowered me on my life path. She combines her Akashic Records reading with great interpersonal skills, offering practical explanations and advice that can be directly applied in my daily life. She also made sure that her readings were clearly understood and relevant to my current life situation. She truly is a translator and bridge between realms and I hope many more will find their way to her on their journey. I give Julia and her services my best recommendations."
- Caroline in Sweden

"Julia absolutely blew me away. The information in her reading and the depth and expertise of her breakdown of said information was masterful. She is one of the more real and authentic people I have spoken to in my entire life. I was going through a dark night of the soul during out reading and she was so patient with me. She opened up her heart and made me feel as if I had a safe space to say or ask anything. The reading was life changing and I recommend everybody who sees this comment go get one done ASAP! Everything I knew but was too complex to comprise was masterfully laid out in a format where now I have a defined sense of direction and purpose."
- Logan in New York

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