Thoughts on the pandemic and resources to help us cope

Dear friend,

I hope you’re doing well amidst all this virus outbreak and all the changes and disruptions it has caused.

The following is an adaptation of the message I recently sent to the folks subscribed to my newsletter — after getting positive responses, I thought I’d repost it here for those who aren’t getting those emails and may somehow benefit from the insights.

First of all, I want to share with you a list of resources, most of them completely free, that I've assembled in order to help us all get through this turbulent time with more ease.  On that list, you'll find resources and ideas to take care of your emotional and physical well-being, to work with fear, to make good use of free time, to find help, and to support your local community


I'm also offering my support during this time.  If you're dealing with extreme fear and uncertainty, need emotional support or just someone to talk things through with, send me a note and we can chat — either via email or over the phone.  Fortunately, my work hasn't been affected by the current events, so I'm still offering all the usual readings and healing sessions as well.

Initially, I wasn't going to share my thoughts on the pandemic publicly – there are already plenty of smart folks out there helping us wrap our heads around what's happening, but because quite a few have asked for my take on the situation, I'll share a few thoughts.

Before we get to that, I would like everyone to watch this video by Samaya Aster, which talks about how the virus outbreak goes with the Earth cycles, what other big disruptions we can expect after the pandemic, and how to prepare for the difficult few years ahead of us.  I so appreciate Samaya's take on things because she is very grounded in reality and educated when it comes to science, financial systems, and other “worldly topics”.

So what is this pandemic all about?  

  • There are wildly different theories out there.  For some, this is a manmade AI virus unleashed on us for evil purposes.  For others, it's an intelligent life form that is upgrading us and helping us make positive societal changes.  Some believe that the powers that be are timing this to pave the way for larger global changes, like the financial reset.  Others say this is a divinely planned step in the process of dismantling of our old ways so that humanity can ascend into 5D.  Yet others see this pandemic fitting in perfectly with natural Earth cycles and astrological alignments.  Should you pick a side? :)
    I think that there's no one "correct" answer, and that all these theories aren't mutually exclusive and can coexist.  Reality is complex: the same event can have multiple causes on different levels of reality, and what we see largely depends on what we focus on.  I can totally see how someone may have unleashed an AI virus with evil intent, but, unknowingly, did so as part of the Divine Plan for Ascension, and the reason this virus took hold and spread so widely is because according to Astrology and Earth cycles, this is the time for the Earth element reset, which comes with challenges in the areas of health, money, and physical resources.

  • It does feel like what we're going through right now is part of the Divine Plan.  My Team in Spirit warned me five months ago about difficult changes coming during this exact time (without specifics, of course), and many others have been sensing something coming, having prophetic dreams, receiving information during sessions, etc.  What's happening is probably not an accident, although I don't think many (or any!) of us knew what exactly was going to happen. 
    The process of transformation of humanity and the Earth has been unfolding for a while, and this pandemic seems to be one step in that process, only this time the change is so visible that nobody can ignore or deny it.  Many say that more disruptions are to come after the pandemic in order to bring about necessary changes, whether immediately or after we've had a little break...  I feel that this is very likely, although much depends on our individual version of reality and the lessons we need — some may be more severely affected than others.  Perhaps it's a good time to remember that we have some choice over which collective realities we want to participate in.  Choose health, well-being, abundance, and peace for your reality, instead of lack and fear. 

    Also, let’s not forget that our souls get to decide when to complete their journey on Earth, so if it’s not our time to go, we shouldn’t fear this virus. At the same time, apparently many souls are willingly using this pandemic as an exit point — an opportunity to “get off the ride” and leave this reality, for whatever reasons they have, so let’s try to look at those high death numbers from a different perspective.

  • One of the most important things we can probably do for humanity right now is to be responsible in following social distancing and other reasonable guidelines.  (Remember how just ONE person led to a massive spike in coronavirus cases — and many deaths — in South Korea.  We don't want to be that person!)  Also, it's so important to help and support the elderly and the vulnerable in our neighborhoods.  I've been very busy trying to support my local community, and you'll find a number of resources on the list to help you support yours. 

  • Now, the safest strategy for ourselves, and this is my own opinion, is: 
    1).  To focus on increasing our body's resilience to pathogens.  I believe there's no way to prevent exposure to the virus 100%, no matter how hard we try.  We cannot fully control our environment, but we can control ourselves.  In my resources, check out Dr. Robert Morse's talk on how the state of the lymphatic system determines our resilience to a virus.
    2). To invest in strengthening of our local communities.  No matter how prepared we are and how well-stocked our pantry is, there’s just no guarantee that we’ll have everything we need to ride out the storm.  During times of chaos and uncertainty, it’s a safer strategy to do what humans have always done, which is find safety and strength through cooperation and sharing of resources and responsibilities in small local communities.  There will probably be more “storms” after this pandemic.  A group will always have more skills, more resources, and more power than one individual or household.

  • There are a lot of positive “side-effects” happening with this pandemic.  My area was one of the first in the US to go into quarantine, and it's been absolutely wonderful to see so many people step up to offer help and support to neighbors!  This crisis is: 
      -  bringing about the strengthening of communities; 
      -  giving us all a chance to slow down and get off the hamster wheel;
      -  inspiring us to rethink our consumption, daily habits, and use of time; 
      -  helping us realize how brittle our systems are, how dependent we are on those systems, and how far we are from being self-sufficient; 
      -  giving the planet some time to breathe and clean up pollution of the air and water while the roads and streets are empty; 
      -  and has created a whole new category of humor – about collective hoarding of toilet paper! :) 
    (Of course, while acknowledging the positive aspects, we don't want to look away from, deny or minimize very real hardships and suffering that many are going through right now.) 

  • I almost feel bad for admitting it, but ever since this pandemic started, I've been feeling nothing but a deep sense of peace.  Yes, my logical mind understands the gravity of the situation and is very concerned about all the people who are forced to close their businesses, aren't getting paid, or are dangerously overworked...  At the same time, a deeper part of me knows that all is well, that it's all part of the plan, and is ultimately for humanity's best in the long run, even though it comes with some discomforts and losses in the process.
    In recent months, I've witnessed a number of situations that served as proof and convinced me that pretty much everything that happens is for my highest good, even things that feel negative in the moment.  I've come to trust my Team in Spirit and the Divine Plan.  In times like these, I think it will bring us peace and decrease our fear if we align ourselves with Divine Will, practice surrender, trust that we are always looked after by our Team in Spirit, and know that whatever happens is for our highest good in the long run. 

  • Many of the folks reading this message are Starseeds, meaning souls who came to Earth from other planets, stars, and galaxies in order to assist humanity through the big shift into a new paradigm, or Ascension into a higher dimension.  Some of us have been waiting impatiently for this shift, for things to start happening, as there's been much delay in this process, as far as I understand.  We can now rejoice in the fact that things are FINALLY happening in a tangible way, and that it's time for us to step up in a big way and to play the roles we came here to play – as healers, teachers, way-showers, space holders, light bringers, moral support, inventors, community builders, or whatever our unique mission may be.  I'm excited about the opportunity to be even more of service than ever before.  How about you? :) 

Once again, here's the link to the list of resources to help ourselves and others through this difficult time.  I may be adding more links as I come across other useful resources.  If you find the page helpful, feel free to share it with others or post a link to it. 


Stay safe, be well, reach out for help, support your community, and focus on the excitement over a brighter future for humanity that is inevitable after we get through a few bumps. :) 

Much love, 


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