Your life purpose is like a cake… (Introduction to the Three Tiers of Purpose)

When you ask yourself the all-important question, “What's my purpose?”, do you expect that the answer will be short and sweet like: “to be a healer”, “to write books”, or “to help awaken humanity”?

If you do get a short mission statement like that, it is helpful! But it's only one part of the picture…


You see, we human beings are like onions — we have many layers.

Just think of all the things that make you YOU. You have your genetics and ancestral influences, you have your cultural, societal, and family conditioning, you have the astrology at the time of your birth that shaped your personality, you have your timeless soul blueprint, and so on —

Don't you think that your life purpose should reflect the incredible complexity of who and what you are?

Well, it does. (And maybe that’s why so many of us aren’t having luck finding that one short mission statement!)

I’d like to offer you a handy framework for understanding life purpose, so that you can go and discover yours, and then embody it as you go through life, without doubt and hesitation.


To make it simple, your life purpose has 3 layers, or tiers. Think of it as a tiered cake! :)

The bottom tier, the foundation, is your timeless soul purpose. It's who you are eternally as a unique being in the Universe.

The middle is what I call the role and contribution tier. This can manifest as an aligned professional role, or what you create in your free time, or how you serve and what you contribute to your community in this life. This is what most people have in mind when they think about their purpose, but, as you’ll discover, there's so much more…

The top, the most surface layer, is the learning tier. This is what you're here to learn, heal, release, overcome, or cultivate, often through challenges. Not the sexiest part of your purpose, I know! :)

* * *

This is just a short introduction, and in the next article, I'll go into the details of each tier of purpose: what they mean, how they show up, and how to go about discovering yours.

Is knowledge about our purpose written down somewhere? Actually, yes, kind of — more on that later.

And do we work all tiers of our purpose at once, or do we go through them one by one?

Is our purpose predestined or do we get to use our free will and define it for ourselves?

Can our purpose change?

I'll be covering all of these questions and much, much more in the upcoming articles, so if you're curious about this topic, be sure to subscribe below so you can follow along.

Until next time!

© 2022 Julia Nord | All rights reserved | All content, including the method of teaching purpose as tiers, is protected by copyright and trademark laws.  Copying, imitation, adapting, or creating derivative works in any format is prohibited.

The middle tier of life purpose: role and contribution


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